Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fun Weekend...

This weekend has been a blast. Friday we had Patrick's farewell. Which was nice. He was presented a plaque from the company. Then that night we went out last minute to have drinks with a friend of ours. Everyone we knew was out. The bar got way crowded but we found a nice quiet one and we all goofed off for a while. It was such a blast. Then Saturday we had our friend over for dinner and played Wii. It was relaxing good time. And then Sunday the 3 of us went shopping in Osan. Patrick found some really nice luggage for himself and bought me a purse and wallet. Him and our friend ate at McDonalds. We got the girls a couple gifts to take home. He picked out a pretty gold heart necklace for each of them and I got them doggy slippers. I fell in love with this beautiful jacket and after asking the price they offered to make me a custom jacket (suede and thick) for $85! Patrick is taking me back next pay day and having me one made for Valentine's Day. I am super excited. Its probably the prettiest coat I'll ever own. And so neat to have it made for me. Great leaving Korea present!! Today I have to go to a FRG farewell for me and a couple other spouses. And then I am making meatloaf muffins, mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli for dinner. We invited our friend once again, so we wouldn't have too many leftovers. Then I plan to be lazy for the day!! and Tomorrow is the last day for Patrick's 4 day so I think we're going to have to clean up the house and start some sorting and such since time is just ticking by very quick. Before we know it the movers will be here!