That is until its put right under your So for my 100 pound weight loss triumph, a good friend of mine sent me a before and after picture card. It was quite neat and thoughtful. So my husband, bless it heart, sees it and goes
"You were that big!"
I'm like thanks hun. I guess love is blind.
He's like I guess so!
Well I'm not offended that's for certain. He's been my biggest support and looking at the before and after is shocking. I know he didn't mean harm from it. It warms my heart that while at my biggest he didn't seem to notice. Which is wonderful feeling. And I know he loves me just as much then as now. And just having the pictures side really showed the changes for him.
Love is blind.
I need to leave these selling platforms.
10 years ago
People who love you for your heart are better than anyone else in the world. The heart and soul should be far better than looks! I'm glad my hubby has loved me through THICK and not-so thin!
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