I haven't blogged on Patrick leaving. Its hard and a stressful time. I haven't taken the time to sit down and express myself. I will eventually when I am ready to discuss everything. Once the stress off buying the house calms down. But I felt compelled to sit down and blog about what was said to me today. I have always been a sensitive and and emotional person. Wearing my heart on my sleeve. Sometimes I hate that because I get hurt a lot but I wouldn't change it for the world because it is me. And I am realizing this with the help of a Pastor. He says what he loves about me is the way I show I am "broken" and that is how God is using me. Cause I can relate to people. They can come to me when they are hurt and need prayers and know that I can relate to them. He told me, he would rather go to someone who shows how they feel then someone who always seems like they have it together. And with this I started to accept myself. If I am hurt, I am going to show it, If I am having a bad day I'm going to tell you and if I need to cry- I can't hold back the tears. AND THAT'S OKAY because God can use that to let other people come to me and we can relate- cry and pray together. I don't want to change and I am no longer going to apologize for being sensitive or wearing my heart on my sleeve. God accepts me- I accept me and if someone else can't then that's okay too. But I'm me and that's all I want to me.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Project 365
from the day hubby leaves until he comes back I'll be doing this. I will be using an actual photoblog though. I will keep this blog for my own personal blogging. feelings, updates on life and the deployment. find my photoblog starting in 2 weeks at http://www.photoblog.com/sweetpea721/
Posted by Leigh Ann at 1:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Goals while hubby is gone
Paint living room
paint bathroom
tone up legs/arms
plant garden on side
plant flower beds
get new couch and love seat
get bigger/new table
hang pics up stairwell
scrapbook more
will add more as I think of them
Posted by Leigh Ann at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
my life as an army life
As an army wife I've learned to be more independent then ever. I'm never comfortable in the house alone with repairmen but with husbands gone months at a time. I've learned how to hang pictures, unclog toilets, fix broken things, put shelves together. Pretty much what other wives leaves for husbands. Ask any military and she'll tell you its nothing. Its a way of life to deal with the wifey and hubby duties. Whether its around the house, raising kids, its just what we do. There's days I wish he could lift something heavy and move it but I tell myself he leaves soon so I gotta get used to doing everything. So I carried the drawers to the garage or moved the heavy box or object. Don't think I'm complaining. Though in a way I am. I'm just realizing how different my life is then a 9-5 working marriage. I stay home and cherish every moment with my husband, not knowing when he'll be gone again. I never take a minute for granted. I clean house, cook, bake and then when he's gone I do everything and most the time he's gone more then here between trainings and deployment, etc. Its a difficult life; military life. But I wouldn't change it for the world. But sometimes the tears are just overwhelming. Saying goodbye, not knowing when or IF you'll see him again. If the goodbye kiss you give and receive will be the last one. You start thinking about everything you did and said leading up to the goodbye. Was I too bitchy? Did our last fight hurt him? Did I say I love you enough? Will he still love me when he gets home? How can I get through this?! The questions we don't know how to answer. I hate when I'm called strong because I'm not. I'm emotional. I start stupid fight. I snap at him for no reason. But I love him so much I don't want to let him go. I don't want to go 6 months without seeing him and then only getting 2 weeks before another 6 months pass. I just want to wake up every morning beside him and get that before you brush your teeth kiss that only a wife and husband ever really understand. I hate going days with out hearing from the one I love most. I hate spending days worrying. But I've learned other wives become your family. You can call and cry, vent and they understand. It does make things a little more bearable. But the best part of him being gone, is the homecoming. when you run into his arms and hug, kiss and cry. Then you become newly weds again. Learning each others routines and etc. Life is hard but there's always a happy ending. Keep friends and family close. Keep your faith and keep busy. Send letters, emails of your days. Just pray every night and every morning. Make everyday a day you can share with hubby. Things are never so hard alone. Keep God in your life and you'll make it. Keep your love strong!!!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 3:53 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Make up your mind already!
That's what I'm telling myself. lol I got accepted for financial aid for real estate school even went down to the school in Clarksville and picked up my paperwork. Then I discovered the fees my financial will not cover which is close to another $700. For example pay city of Clarksville $500! I was unsure I'd be good at this job. I was worried its what I wanted to do, if I'd get the math part. And the with the unstable economy there is no way I can pay out that money. Plus the real estate offices charge fees. So I could go 6 months without selling houses and still have to pay out my pocket! I just can't do that in the economy!! It scares me to death!! So I prayed. I listened to my heart and God led me to teaching. I have been wanting to and requested information a few months ago. If only I listened to the signs he was showing me. Now I'm waiting for the financial aid to come back through for my career plan in Teacher's Aid. I'm hoping to work as an aide in a Special Ed classroom. In the meantime I have an interview for sub teaching. I believe God has a path for us all; we just need to stop and find it. We may take a few wrong turns but we'll find it. The volunteer work I do all involves kids. I love the work I do there so why didn't just follow my heart and go with teaching forever ago? With real estate I was stressed. With teaching I'm relieved. Its kind of a weird feeling. Like I finally found my way. So teaching aid through Penn Foster is the plan!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 5:13 PM 2 comments
Friday, January 15, 2010
I want to thank my parents for dragging me through houses being built as a kid. I thank them for giving me the dream of real estate just took 28 years to realize. All my funding through the army has been approved! They are paying for all my classes and license and continuing education!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 1:29 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
few wrong paths...
may lead to the right one!!! well at least for me=) I made the descion and took the huge step to apply for the money the army will give me for school to go to real estate school!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I've tried a few things that didn't work out and I've been so unhappy about where I am in my life. Back in Korea I started thinking about real estate and even contacted some schools when I got home as well as talking to a few real estate people. Well finally I was able to get a school here in Clarksville and the MyCaa program will cover it! So I just summited to courses and have to wait for approval! I'm crossing my fingers! I'm so flippin' excited. A Carrer!!!!!! No more job hunting. I really think this is where and what I want to do!!!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 11:39 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Korean memories
Patrick and I stopped at this Korean store we are always driving past. And wow it was like walking down memory lane. Alot of the same brands that we saw in Korea was at this little Korean store in KY. we picked up some hot mustard, kimishi's and yaki mandu. which we came home and tasted everything. we plan to go back on payday and get some soybean paste, more yaki and the korean coffee. Patrick was so excited to see that. They even had the yogurt you could get over there. The yaki was right on one of my korean fave restraunts. Most of the prices were decent. Only a couple more dollars then there. Excited to go back and get some more stuff! I guess I miss Korean food more then I realized. lol=)
Posted by Leigh Ann at 2:43 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy New Year!!!
Patrick and I enjoyed ours. It was bittersweet since I have what this year holds which is hubby's deployment (3rd). He won't be here next New years so I got a little upset. Then the next day he packed his c-bag so I was little upset over that too. I hate starting the new year like this=(
we had our traditional New Years dinner of smoked sausage and sauerkraut for luck in the new year!
Some resolutions:
- workout more
- keep eating healthy
- find a job
- keep working on my marriage
- send cookies at least once a month to hubby and soldiers
- keep being a good wife and step mother
Posted by Leigh Ann at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 31, 2009
The end of 2009
I can't believe how fast this year has gone by!!!! Overall its been a good year I think. I got to come home and be in the states! I got a new puppy (now a year old), a new kitten (7 months old, guessing), and my favorite a beautiful new niece named Macy Rae! Hubby and I struggled in our marriage and overcame and better then ever! I found an awesome church and found my Christianity and great group of friends and took the step to be baptized!
Since coming home I have been slacking on blogging cause nothing exciting really happens unless I blog about my dogs...haha! But with the upcoming year comes yet another deployment! So I will be blogging alot more to help me get through all the mix of feelings.
Hope everyone brings in the new year safe and sound! Hubby and I are staying home with our wii playing games and bring it together quietly watching the ball drop. Couldn't ask for a better NYE!
Happy New Year's Eve!!!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 11:39 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Posted by Leigh Ann at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
5 year goal
In 5 years I want to be able to run a half marathon/5k. I'm starting training when he deploys.
Posted by Leigh Ann at 9:53 PM 1 comments
Leigh Ann's Xmas Wish List
Photo printer (for scrapbooking)
snuggie in pink
silver cross necklace
Wii Resort
Clothing size 10 or L
I love anything from Body Central (nothing skin tight, I like loose fitting, size L)(http://www.bodyc.com/)
Posted by Leigh Ann at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 28, 2009
PCRM News and Media Center Carcinogen Found in KFC?s New Grilled Chicken
Posted by Leigh Ann at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Exciting new today...
As some of you may know, I have found a church here and its changed my life. I am very involved attending every Sunday morning, volunteering with the church and even attending a weekly bible study. Now after 27 years I am going to be baptised!! Its scheduled for Oct. 25th. I have opened my heart to Jesus and and am a Follower of Jesus Christ so this is the final step into the Christian life. I really cannot say how excited I am for this! I asked a friend whom I am becoming close to, Ashley, to go with me so I will have pictures of the event. This church has changed me and my life and I am so excited to do this with Grace Community Church!!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 7:01 PM 3 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Toture Session
Or otherwise known as physical therapy for my ankle. I know I have to do and I want it to get better. I wish I knew what I even did to it to make it hurt like it does. I guess 2 injuries in a little over a year really messes ya up. But my physical therapist is nice and he doesn't push you when something hurts. He watches your face and asks alot how you're doing. He's working on my whole legs. Well both to build up muscles. I told him I hate him while working my butt muscles. Of course he just laughs. But I'm not going to complain. Its a free work out. I'm going to have stronger legs. I just need to work on my arms at home or gym. When my ankle gets all the way better plan to start back up walking Angel (Aspen refuses) and running on the epliptical. I wish I could find a gym buddy. Until then I'm going physical therapy twice a week. Toture me....but I'm going to get better and normal again!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 12:48 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Hubby turned 33 this week!
He loved it. I cooked in a special outfit for him! Then I had made him a chocolate birthday cake!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 9:44 PM 1 comments
Surprise Visit
First picture in I don't know how many years!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
New Hobby...
Posted by Leigh Ann at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
My next piercing....
Posted by Leigh Ann at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
Awesome Weekend
Posted by Leigh Ann at 10:37 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
My goals- Article on Six Things to do Everyday
1. Make the BedTidiness begets tidiness. A crisply made bed makes the whole room seem more orderly, which makes it less likely that you'll let other things -- such as clothes and papers -- pile up around it.
2. Manage ClutterWhenever you leave a room, take a quick look around for anything that isn't where it should be. Pick it up and put it where it belongs. Insist that everyone in the household do the same.
3. Sort the MailTake a few minutes to open, read, and sort mail as soon as you bring it inside. Keep a trash bin near your sorting area for junk mail. Drop other mail into one of four in-boxes: personal correspondence, bills, catalogs, and filing.
4. Clean as You CookInstead of filling the sink with pots and dishes, wash them or put them in the dishwasher as you prepare a meal.
5. Wipe Up Spills While They're FreshWhether it's tomato sauce on the cooktop or makeup on the bathroom counter, almost anything is faster and easier to remove if you attend to it immediately.
6. Sweep the Kitchen FloorEvery evening once you've finished washing up after dinner, sweep the floor. This will keep tough-to-clean dirt and grime from building up, which will make the weekly mopping much quicker.
Posted by Leigh Ann at 3:43 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Life in general
We're enjoying the summer with the girls. We just celebrated Jillian's 10th birthday. I cannot believe she is 10!!! It seems like just yesterday I met a 4 year old bouncy little girl. Oh how my heart is filled with love for these two little girls. They are growing so big right in front of my eyes. Its crazy how fast they grow! We bought them bikes this year. Brand new mountain bikes. They were thrilled with thier presents. So Patrick fixed my intertube on my bike and we spent today after church riding a little with the girls. They loved it. They had a good birthday. We tried to make it very special since we've missed the last few. They told my parents it was the best ever. Which really made me happy. Cause I have had to suffer through my back pain in order to do some things. I cried through about half Transformers 2 cause of my back and Patrick was ready to take me to the ER. Then riding bikes is rough. But they make it worth the pain. I just wish it would get better.
We found a church that I am really happy with. The girls enjoy it very much. I decided to volunteer for the church. One I felt a calling for the program they call Grace Acres and 2 I'm trying to go back to school for primary education with a special in special ed so it would look good on resumes to have the volunteer. And everyone knows I have a soft spot for little kids. I just love babysitting. This program is a bible study for infant -4 years old.
Patrick and I are doing great. We are loving having the girls. We are attached at the hip always together watching TV, movies or outside with the girls. We love the family time! We have a great time. They have been all helping out cause of my back. They make me lay down when I'm up and around and limping around. Patrick has pitched in to help out with dinners or whatever I need. I'm so grateful for such an awesome family. And friends too helping out.
I wish I knew what made my nerve irriated so I could avoid it. But since being on the steriods I am slowly noticing my back feeling better. So hopefullly just a little bit longer and I'll be back on my feet. Laying around is killing me. I barely have an appetite. I'm use to be up going and going.
Well I've been slacking on updating here lately but I'm going to work on blogging more. But thats enough for now...Until next time.....
Posted by Leigh Ann at 3:12 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Not ready...
My statuses on myspace, facebook and messengers have been upset and sad. I just haven't been ready to talk about it. VERY few friends know about it. And most of the ones that do know have been super supportive and at my side anytime I need it. I have learned my true friends through this. I have had friends emailing me and leaving comments checking on me. Thanks so much for that. I'm sorry if I haven't responded. Remember they do mean alot to me and I'll find time to respond. When I''m ready to come out and talk I'll let everyone know. But thank you for being here during my rocky times.
Posted by Leigh Ann at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day...
To my wonderful husband. I love you so much. We don't have any kids together but when we do I know you'll be the greatest daddy there is. You are so wonderful with your kids! And our furbabies. You are my world and I love you so much! Happy Father's Day Baby!
And to all the other Father's out there...Have a great day! Happy Father's day!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 1:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Posted by Leigh Ann at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Next and Last...
Leaving on a jet plane....Oh yea baby!!!
My next blog with be an update from the STATES!!! So this is my last blog to ever write in Korea.
We're being picked up by the taxi between 4a-4:30a. We have a layover in Tokyo and then go through customs and finally land in Grand Rapids MI at 4:24p on friday Feb 6th!
We'll stay with his mom, visiting all his family until the 12th and then we leave to go see his kiddos the 12th-15th. (Little does he know I have a surprise for the 11th;))
And finally we see my family from the 16th-22nd. (If you wanna see me, call the cell)
And then we go and find a house at Campbell the 22nd. Yay!! (Can't wait to see old friends)
Much love to all and update when I have net again!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 4:55 AM 1 comments
I love him...
We were gathering stuff to mail back to the states and I was going through a little bit of paperwork on the dresser and there among it was a pamphlet from Jag for adoption. I teared up. It touched me he took the the time to grab it. He knows the doctors haven't given me good odds of having kids from having 2 different female disorders. And adoption is the option I want to take rather then be hurt and disappointed over and over trying to conceive. It touches me he knows how important it is to me to stop and grab a little pamphlet like that. I love him so much sometimes!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 4:42 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Last weekend in Korea...
Posted by Leigh Ann at 3:03 AM 0 comments
New Coat...
Posted by Leigh Ann at 2:32 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Snow day!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 3:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
Please Pray
For both Patrick's grandparents. Grandpa has a fast moving prostate cancer and will not be able to afford the $1000 pill if the insurance will not cover it and Grandma is in poor health and relies on grandpa for everything right now. They are 87 and 88. Please pray for them.
Posted by Leigh Ann at 7:32 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Fun Weekend...
This weekend has been a blast. Friday we had Patrick's farewell. Which was nice. He was presented a plaque from the company. Then that night we went out last minute to have drinks with a friend of ours. Everyone we knew was out. The bar got way crowded but we found a nice quiet one and we all goofed off for a while. It was such a blast. Then Saturday we had our friend over for dinner and played Wii. It was relaxing good time. And then Sunday the 3 of us went shopping in Osan. Patrick found some really nice luggage for himself and bought me a purse and wallet. Him and our friend ate at McDonalds. We got the girls a couple gifts to take home. He picked out a pretty gold heart necklace for each of them and I got them doggy slippers. I fell in love with this beautiful jacket and after asking the price they offered to make me a custom jacket (suede and thick) for $85! Patrick is taking me back next pay day and having me one made for Valentine's Day. I am super excited. Its probably the prettiest coat I'll ever own. And so neat to have it made for me. Great leaving Korea present!! Today I have to go to a FRG farewell for me and a couple other spouses. And then I am making meatloaf muffins, mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli for dinner. We invited our friend once again, so we wouldn't have too many leftovers. Then I plan to be lazy for the day!! and Tomorrow is the last day for Patrick's 4 day so I think we're going to have to clean up the house and start some sorting and such since time is just ticking by very quick. Before we know it the movers will be here!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Love is Blind...
That is until its put right under your nose...lol. So for my 100 pound weight loss triumph, a good friend of mine sent me a before and after picture card. It was quite neat and thoughtful. So my husband, bless it heart, sees it and goes
"You were that big!"
I'm like thanks hun. I guess love is blind.
He's like I guess so!
Well I'm not offended that's for certain. He's been my biggest support and looking at the before and after is shocking. I know he didn't mean harm from it. It warms my heart that while at my biggest he didn't seem to notice. Which is wonderful feeling. And I know he loves me just as much then as now. And just having the pictures side really showed the changes for him.
Love is blind.
Posted by Leigh Ann at 10:52 PM 1 comments
6 month Surgery Check up
Posted by Leigh Ann at 4:21 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Korea pizza...
Posted by Leigh Ann at 4:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!! Hopefully everyone had a great holiday and ate thier cabbage for luck! Hubby and I had a lazy New Years Eve. We ordered take out and watched movie and played Wii bowling and then watched the Korean countdown which was amusing. The music was crazy and they ring this huge gong thingy at midnight. New Years was lazy spent around the house. I fixed sausage and saurkraut and we napped, watched movie and played more Wii bowling. It was the prefect way to bring in the New Year!
So I guess I should make a few resolutions since that's the tradition. After thinking about it I came up with a few:
1. Excersice more
2. Keep up with my weight loss goals
3. Be better wife
4. Bake more
I think thats a good start for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful new year!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 6:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
Patrick went and got my plane ticket today and reserved Angel a spot as well. I can't believe we have about a month and week left in Korea and we get to come home. HOME!!!! What a wonderful word that is. I appreciate so much more in the states now then EVER before. My wonderful family, the friends that have stood by me these two years, little things like understanding the language, driving and WAL-MART!! The best news was it only cost us $640 and we were expecting about double that. Just knowing I have that ticket home is an awesome feeling! I am on a great high I doubt will go away until I come home. I just want to cry cause I am finally coming home. I have missed everyone so freaking much! My niece is 2 years older and doesn't even know her own aunt, even though I spoil her crazy through the mail. My cousin has twins I've never met. You don't think you'll miss that much in 2 years but you really do. Hell I've changed. I've grown older, wiser. I've lost (so far) 110 pounds! I am more confident and I am sure my personality has changed some too. Its going to be awesome to come home and see my family and let them see the new and improved me! I just don't know how to catch up 2 years in the few days we get to see everyone though:( But we'll be home for a while, no chance we want to travel overseas for a while if we can help it. So we can slowly catch up! I just can't wait. 38 days and I will be in the states again!!!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 2:56 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Just another day...
So I turned 27 yesterday. And it was like any other day. It sucked. I was still sick still. A week now. Patrick didn't get home until after 12:30 from 1st up and I just ended up wanting to take a nap. Then we woke up and he went and got us some movies. And we cuddled up and watched a movie and then played around on my Wii. It wasn't sucky but it wasn't great. We are going to go to dinner next weekend when I am feeling better and celebrate later. At least by the day going by the way it did, I don't feel older!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Meet the newest....
Posted by Leigh Ann at 9:53 PM 0 comments
New puppy

Posted by Leigh Ann at 12:21 AM 0 comments
Posted by Leigh Ann at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Ski trip
Posted by Leigh Ann at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: skiing
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Nice weekend!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 7:22 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
We walk into the PX and for the first time EVER they have Wii. They never have Wii and I been wanting one for a long long time. Patrick points it out and I am like aww. And Patrick goes you really want it don't you? I am like yea. He's like do they do layaway. I am like yeah. So he puts it in the cart. Goes to the game picks out 2 Sims games for me. And says its your Christmas and birthday. I am so freaking excited! I cannot wait until we pick it up! This is the best xmas/bday ever! I cannot wait to get Wii fit but its 89.99 and they don't sell it here. But anyways I am excited!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 9:28 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Woo hoo!
I got on the scale last night and I've lost....
100 pounds!!!
Which was a goal of mine to do before Christmas and I did it! I am so excited!
So today I went to get our mail at the mail room and I swear this guy was checking me out. I had my hair all wavy and pulled up and no makeup but man I felt so good! And some guy was emailing me on myspace I suppose to hit on me. This never happens to me! I am feeling so much more confident and good about myself.
Hubby is so so supportive and great! He came home after long 9 days (actually came home 2 days early) and just kept looking at me and said my face was like night and day. And he took me straight to bed! TMI! But even my husband is enjoying the weight loss. He has always loved me but I think he's more attracted to me then ever. And I'm ok with that. I have more confidence and feel better about myself. I was very unhappy before. So of course I would expect him to be more attracted cause I feel more attractive.
All in all I am just very happy right now!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 4:51 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What happened?
In college I was a writer. My 2 writing professors sung me praise. Said I was really going somewhere with my writing. I loved writing poetry and stories. They were always flowing through my head. I'd wake up at 3 am with a poem and write it down. Its been a few years now since i've wrote. Its like all the words that went through my head are gone. Of course I've heard of writers block but this has been years. I miss it. You think of everything I been through I'd have plenty to write about yet I can't or don't. I wish I knew what happened to my words.....
Posted by Leigh Ann at 2:32 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Newest weighloss Pics
Posted by Leigh Ann at 8:53 PM 2 comments
Getting closer...
The countdown is getting closer to coming home. 59 days to go. Its hard to believe and time is flying by. Patrick's gone alot so I am trying everything I can do keep myself busy. Friday night I went to another wife's house with Angel for dinner and playdate which was so much fun. I of course talked to poor woman's leg off and came hom embarrssed that I did talk so much! Then our good friend and I went out on saturday and I had the most fun! We went to dinner and then bowling and then we had a few drinks in the ville. I love gin and tonic! It was my first time since surgery to even attempt anything and I took it really slow and easy. It was such a great time and made the weekend go by pretty quick. Sunday I just cleaned which takes up alot of time. I think sometime this week I am going to go through my clothes again. The sweaters I kept from the last time are now swimming in.
We have alot of stuff coming up to make the time go by fast until we come home. Dec 20th I am throwing a greedy santa party. Dec 23rd we go skiiing, Then Christmas, then my birthday where I am going to the bars with a couple friends, then New Years. Then Patrick starts clearing, our house will be packed up and then before we know it we will be on our way home! I can't wait! Time is just flying by!
And just a shout out to my sister who's birthday is today. Happy Birthday Sis!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 8:33 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Life Lately...
Posted by Leigh Ann at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Christmas pictures....
Posted by Leigh Ann at 5:27 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Proud Aunt!
So my sister went for her ultra sound today. The baby was being very coperative and they got a few good pictures. And its a....
I knew all along, just a feeling. No names picked out but she does like one of my suggestions of Keeley. I am crossing my fingers for that name since I cannot be there for any of the pregnancy. But I will be there for the birth as long as she doesn't pop out before the 4 hours I need to get home!!!
Posted by Leigh Ann at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Posted by Leigh Ann at 8:12 PM 0 comments